CI/CD with Webhook

Hosting Data Apps

This guide explains how to set up webhook for ShinyProxy. We assume ShinyProxy is running on DigitalOcean droplet with Ubuntu 20.04 (LTS).

DO button

Port for webhook

UFW is an Uncomplicated Firewall. We enables the UFW firewall to allow only SSH, HTTP and HTTPS. See a detailed tutorial here. Settings we did previously are commented out, uncomment as needed.

#sudo apt install ufw
#sudo ufw default deny incoming
#sudo ufw default allow outgoing
#sudo ufw allow ssh
#sudo ufw allow http
#sudo ufw allow https
sudo ufw allow 9000

Finally, enable these rules by running sudo ufw enable. Check ufw status.

Install webhook

We are going to use webhook. The community maintained sudo apt-get install webhook gives a really outdated version. Therefore we pick the latest (2.7.0) using pre-compiled binary for our architecture (if in doubt, check dpkg --print-architecture):

sudo wget
tar -zxvf webhook-linux-amd64.tar.gz

Next we will follow this guide and we move the binary and other files with settings in the /var/www/webhooks directory:

sudo mkdir /var/www/webhooks
sudo cp webhook-linux-amd64/webhook /var/www/webhooks/
rm -rf *

Hook definitions

Create the file hooks.json to store the hook definitions:

sudo touch /var/www/webhooks/hooks.json

The following array of hook definitions goes inside (vim /var/www/webhooks/hooks.json):

"id": "pull-all-gitlab",
"execute-command": "webhook-pull-all-gitlab",
"response-message": "Pulling all Docker images.",
"name": "Access-Control-Allow-Origin",
"value": "*"
"trigger-rule": {
"type": "value",
"value": "secret_token_1234",
"source": "header",
"name": "X-Gitlab-Token"
"id": "pull-one-gitlab",
"execute-command": "webhook-pull-one-gitlab",
"response-message": "Pulling Docker image.",
"name": "Access-Control-Allow-Origin",
"value": "*"
"pass-arguments-to-command": [
"source": "payload",
"name": "image_name"
"trigger-rule": {
"type": "value",
"value": "secret_token_1234",
"source": "header",
"name": "X-Gitlab-Token"
"id": "pull-one-dockerhub",
"execute-command": "webhook-pull-one-dockerhub",
"response-message": "Pulling Docker image from Docker Hub.",
"name": "Access-Control-Allow-Origin",
"value": "*"
"pass-arguments-to-command": [
"source": "payload",
"name": "repository.repo_name"
"source": "payload",
"name": "push_data.tag"

Update all images

This array contains 3 hooks. The 1st and the second is set up to work with GitLab CI/CD pipelines. See corresponding .gitlab-ci.yml file here (check parts that are commented out in the YAML file).

These need a secret header (value "secret_token_1234") that is used in the hook definition and in the webhook request. Change to some random high entropy value.

The 1st hook definition calls the command webhook-pull-all-gitlab without arguments. The command pulls the latest version of all the docker images that are on the server. After that, it cleans up the dangling images. So let's put this command into the /bin folder and make it executable:

sudo touch /bin/webhook-pull-all-gitlab
chmod 755 /bin/webhook-pull-all-gitlab

This is the content that goes inside the file:

#! /bin/sh
docker images |grep -v REPOSITORY|awk '{print $1":"$2}'|xargs -L1 docker pull
docker system prune -f

docker login might be needed when using private registries.

GitLab registry

The second hook definition uses the command webhook-pull-one-gitlab which pulls a single image based on the argument passed.

sudo touch /bin/webhook-pull-one-gitlab
chmod 755 /bin/webhook-pull-one-gitlab

The content of the file:

#! /bin/sh
docker pull $1
docker system prune -f

Docker Hub

The 3rd hook definition is similar the previous hook in that it also pulls a single docker image. But this one is written for the payload that Docker Hub's webhook delivers (read more here).

The image name and the tag are parsed separately, so the webhook-pull-one-dockerhub takes these two arguments:

sudo touch /bin/webhook-pull-one-dockerhub
chmod 755 /bin/webhook-pull-one-dockerhub
#! /bin/sh
/usr/bin/docker pull $1:$2
/usr/bin/docker system prune -f

Webhook service

Now create the webhook.service file with the daemon settings via systemctl:

sudo touch /etc/systemd/system/webhook.service

Put these into the service file (vim /etc/systemd/system/webhook.service):

ExecStart=/var/www/webhooks/webhook -hooks /var/www/webhooks/hooks.json -hotreload

The option -hotreload watches for changes in the hook.json file and reloads them upon change.

Run a few commands with systemctl: sudo systemctl enable webhook.service to enable the newly created service, sudo systemctl start webhook.service to start the service.

Now check the service status using sudo service webhook status. If all went well, you should see something like:

● webhook.service - Webhooks
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/webhook.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Fri 2020-06-05 07:31:31 UTC; 6s ago
Main PID: 5228 (webhook)
Tasks: 6 (limit: 1152)
CGroup: /system.slice/webhook.service
└─5228 /var/www/webhooks/webhook -hooks /var/www/webhooks/hooks.json -hotreload

Enabling HTTPS

Add -secure flag to watch over https. This requires also passing the certificate: check name of certificate and private key in the dir /etc/letsencrypt/live/, the add -secure -cert /etc/letsencrypt/live/ -key /etc/letsencrypt/live/ to the /etc/systemd/system/webhook.service service file. Use private key (privkey.pem) and fullchain.pem which is concatenation of the public key (cert.pem) and the certificate chain (chain.pem).

Use crontab -e and add the line 0 2 * * * systemctl restart webhook.service: we need to restart the webhook daemon regularly (daily in this case) because it is not updating when the TLS certificate is renewed.

Testing with curl

Test it in -verbose mode: change to your domain. Have to open up another port, here 9001, because 9000 is taken by the daemon: /var/www/webhooks/webhook -hooks /var/www/webhooks/hooks.json -hotreload -verbose -secure -cert /etc/letsencrypt/live/ -key /etc/letsencrypt/live/ -port 9001

See more parameter settings here.

Note: we are testing over port 9001, but the real webhook is listening on port 9000.


We use curl -i to get the response headers: 200 is what we want. Make sure to use http protocol (and not https) if SSL certificate is not set up and used.

curl -i --header "X-Gitlab-Token: secret_token_1234" https://YOUR_IP_OR_DOMAIN:9000/hooks/pull-all-gitlab

Using form data (url encoded, default header "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"):

curl -i --header "X-Gitlab-Token: secret_token_1234" \
-X POST -d 'image_name=analythium/shinyproxy-demo:latest' \

Need to declare content-type header, payload is treated as form data by curl:

curl -i --header "X-Gitlab-Token: secret_token_1234" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request POST \
--data '{"image_name":"analythium/shinyproxy-demo:latest"}' \

Docker Hub

This is how the simplified Docker Hub payload looks like, we can use it to get the image name and the tag:

"push_data": {
"pusher": "trustedbuilder",
"tag": "latest"
"repository": {
"name": "testhook",
"namespace": "svendowideit",
"owner": "svendowideit",
"repo_name": "svendowideit/testhook",
"repo_url": "",
"star_count": 0,
"status": "Active"

Set webhook url as https://YOUR_IP_OR_DOMAIN:9000/hooks/pull-one-dockerhub.

Wrapping up

At the end of all this, we have the full CI/CD experience over HTTPS:

CI/CD workflow

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Hosting Data Apps

Last updated on by Peter Solymos